It's been a while... The school is over now and my first year in Animation program was not pleasant experience. Have I improve? Not much. I only found 3 students who I can say they are good artists from my heart. And similar number students are good at animating stuff. Layout? I don't know. Design? One student, maybe. So am a lot disappointed by the fact I don't see wow people around. I went to 3rd year graduation open house. I didn't find anybody cool character designer, few are nice layout artists. 3D? not interested. Even teacher complained about students' skill level is not good enough. I see more talent in SheridanC. It's really depressing. Anyway, here is a small thing I did...
This is my quite serious (I haven't done oil for XX years, so I was quite serious, but enjoyed a lot) painting done in last year. Opps, it is not done yet, but lost motivation to complete... Anyway, I like this one so far, hope you like it too.
I haven't updated this blog for long time, but I don't have anything to upload beside my school works, so I decided to upload school thing anyway. :P here is my human skull and monster skull design. Yes, It's a bit funky, but hope you enjoy!